About This Blog

Blogs are outdated.

Everyone is on Instagram.

Do people even read these anymore?

Phrases that I have heard in the recent past and, while there is some truth to it all, I believe there are still readers out there. I'm one of them. So, maybe blogging isn't quite what it use to be and maybe every one is sharing their life via photos and maybe people who use to read just don't make the time anymore and that's okay.

I know that this blog will serve a purpose through the writings that God seems to have placed in me. It's something I never thought I would enjoy. But, I believe that when the Lord leads us to do something, we just have to trust Him and have faith that He knows best.

So, in a nutshell, that's what this blog is all about. I write. Share. And trust God with the rest.

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.  2 Timothy 1:7