things aren't going back to normal

This is all temporary.
Everything will go back to normal.

Phrases I have heard as we all cope with the current situation.
I have another thought to throw out to you.

Things aren't going to go back to normal.

At least, I hope they don't.

Do you remember what our world was going through before this all hit? Do you remember the division that was slowly ruining us and our relationships? Do you remember the entitlement that consumed many of us? Do you remember taking for granted the little things like, going to your favorite coffee shop for a latte?

I don't want to go back to that. I want this experience to teach us all something.

Let this time be an opportunity to reevaluate our priorities. Let this opportunity be one that has us not taking everything for granted. Let this be an opportunity to love well. Let this be an opportunity to be bold and intentional and gracious. Let this be an opportunity to listen and learn and be brought together. Let this be an opportunity to get out of the boat and live a life of uninhibited faith.

A faith so bold as to say, "Yes, God. I trust you with all that I have and with all that I am."

A faith so bold as to say, "Yes, I believe in Jesus and I believe that He saves, loves, restores and redeems."

A faith so bold as to say, "Yes, I will serve and go and lead."

A faith so bold as to say, "Yes I will worship you freely and no fear of what others think."

A faith so bold as to say, "Yes God, I believe you hold my tomorrows and you are faithful and always good."

No, I don't want things to go back to normal.

I want this to be a moment in life where the trajectory of our lives are ruined for good. That the obstacles of greed, fear, pride, worry, hate and judgement are stripped to their core. I want this to be a moment in life where we believe that God still moves mountains and does miracles. That we will not be people who doubt or say things like the pharisees did. Oh Lord, may we not be like the pharisees.

May this change our worship in radical ways where we are on our knees, hands held high, dancing in freedom and singing loud and unashamed. May this change how we view others and may it turn our gaze inward as we listen to the Holy Spirit speak to us and focus on what He has to say. May this change our perception of others and see them with the eyes of God. May this change how we use our time and make God a priority in our day.

Things are not going back to normal. They shouldn't. And, if we allow this situation to be an opportunity, it won't. And God will get all the glory. And God will be lifted high. And God will be the sole desire of our hearts. And God will be the only One who can fill every single need we could possibly have.

Don't let things go back to normal.

Let God in. Let Him turn your face towards Him.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will go strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.

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