Advent Week One


The Advent season is HERE!

Whether you are using my book or another devotional to help you be intentional during this season, I invite you to my blog each week for some additional resources, thoughts and bonus content. We each find meaningful ways to worship, don't we? Some of us love expressing our worship through writing, drawing, praying, painting, singing and/or reading or a combination of these. Each channel of worship is good so long as we set aside the selfish need to fulfill our own desires and place our complete focus on Jesus, His life, His purpose, and the gift of salvation He brought to us. It is my personal goal to move to a posture of gratitude, humbleness and awe of my Creator. 

Stop for a minute today and ponder the mighty words God has done. From His earthly creations like the mountains, the ocean and down to the tiniest detail of a plant or animal to what He has revealed to you personally. Perhaps you have experienced a miracle - an "only God" moment or something that caused you to fall to your knees in reverence of His holiness. Relinquish any control you are wanting to have over your circumstances and trust you Creator, Savior, Father and Friend. 

The Advent Wreath

Are you including an Advent wreath and candles with your time of intentionality? I find it to be a beautiful way to help place my focus on Jesus and His incredible gift to us. Each candle holds a symbolic theme. Not to encourage rituals but to help place focus on what matters versus the hubbub and busyness the world places on this time of year. 

The candle for the first week is called the Prophecy Candle and symbolizes hope and expectation in anticipation. What are we anticipating? In Isaiah 7:14, it was prophesied of Immanuel coming to us. Who is Immanuel? Jesus! Our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God and Everlasting Father! 

As you light this candle, take a moment to reflect on this incredible act that took place when the book of Isaiah was written. This was done many, many, many years before Jesus was born. Can you imagine what people may have thought hearing this words? I often wonder if they were filled with hope or awe. Or maybe they scoffed at the words thinking this was something so out of the ordinary and, quite frankly, impossible. God, coming to earth in human form? Yeah right! 

If I'm being honest with you, this may have been my reaction. All too often, it is my reaction right now when I hear of other prophecy being shared or hear stories about miracles that seem too good to be true. It causes me to kneel before God in repentance because I believe in the miracles shared in scripture. I believe He created the earth and its creation out of nothing. I believe God exists and I share stories of incredible moments when He spoke to His people and shared signs of wonder. So, how can I say that I wouldn't believe He still moves in this manner today? It is key to take it all to prayer and scripture, of course. We are supposed to do this - scripture tells us to (1 Thessalonians 5:20-22) but, I want to take care in not dismissing any signs and wonders the Holy Spirit is revealing to us today. May I always be in a state of wonder - a state of hope and anticipation for what it is to come. 

Song for Contemplation

Free Printable

If you like to add framed graphics, verses, sayings to your holiday decor, please enjoy this FREE printable for you. Depending on the device you are on, simply right click to save to your computer or tab and hold on your mobile device. Print on photo paper for best quality, trim and frame. This graphic will work best as a 5x7 print. 

Click here: To purchase my book Behold: Your King has Come.

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